About Millions
Disclaimer: Any statement below that might sound like boasting are purely intentional ;-)
Established in 2016 as a two member team in Chennai, Millions Advisory is a Technology hiring firm supporting recruitments of Tech Product, Startups, Captives and Services companies across India.
Growing one step at a time with our team and clientele, we are inching towards our 5th anniversary.
What's special about us?
The answer is "We aren't".
We are just another Recruiting firm, who is probably incomparable to the market leaders in Agency Recruiting.
And brutally, we do not want ourselves to be compared at all.
The only comparison we encourage is our comparison with our own selves.
Where we are now should have a progress over where we were six months ago. Not just in terms of revenue, but also in our team's growth, knowledge & system. That's the kind of progress we strive to attain.
And we are proud to say that we had always been consistent in that.
What are we up to?
Team Millions is a small bunch of simple folks working hard to align a few missing pieces in Recruiting.
Wondering what those missing pieces are? Here you go
When you give the best interviewing experience to Candidates, the positive word spreads faster in a way that you may not need a huge budget separately for employer branding. We try hard to create such best experiences to candidates.
It is not physical structures that make an organization big. It is their vision. Every candidate has a personal vision too. We try hard to align the best of both worlds.
Disappointments pop up in Recruiting only when there is lack of transparency. We try hard not to give space for that.
Customer success is the new kick everywhere and Candidates are the main Customers in Recruiting. We try hard to bring the best Candidate Experience through our recruiting.
Our Constant Reminders
"The moment you stop learning, you are no more in the game".
"Be a better person than you were yesterday".
"Numbers mislead you. Stick to the process".
"3 important things to follow in Recruiting:
1. Candidate Experience
2. Candidate Experience
3. Candidate Experience".
Services Offered
Permanent Staffing
Contract Staffing