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Transparency goes a long way in Recruiting

Writer's picture: John Rambo RajendranJohn Rambo Rajendran

I had come across candidates making career moves in short span, when probed on the reason for their change, here are certain responses

  • I was promised an onsite opportunity, but nothing is in light for another year or so.

  • I was promised an implementation project, but there are none here.

  • I was hired for a Springboot project, but they have no plans to move to Springboot for another 2 years.

  • I was promised a Project manager role, but here I am reporting to another Project manager as an Individual contributor.

  • I was promised that i'll working in latest tech, but now they want me to work in legacies that are decades old.

When you recruit, you will have options to produce facts and hide a few about the role/company you recruit for. The version you choose to use will make all the difference.

All these above issues couldn’t have got hyped to be an issue if the candidates had known the issue prior to their onboarding. They would have had a choice to make and if they still decided to join, then that would have made the difference.

If they had decided not to join knowing the fact, you still would have saved your cost, time and effort in identifying the replacement candidate in such a short span since you wouldn't have onboarded the gonna-be disappointed candidate in the first place.

Transparency has its super-powers. What say?


Photo by Kyle Sudu on Unsplash

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